Use the excerpt from Roe v. Wade to answer the question.

Which statement BEST explains the cultural challenge presented in this excerpt and how Nixon addressed these concerns?

The excerpt challenges traditional ideas about women’s reproductive choices, and Nixon addressed concerns by appointing four conservative justices to the Supreme Court.

The excerpt challenges traditional ideas about women’s career choices, and Nixon addressed concerns by vetoing the ruling of the Supreme Court.

The excerpt challenges traditional ideas about women’s roles in the family, and Nixon addressed concerns by asking Congress to reject the Supreme Court's findings.

The excerpt challenges traditional ideas about women’s abilities to make decisions, and Nixon addressed concerns by removing the chief justice from his position on the court.

A. The excerpt challenges traditional ideas about women’s reproductive choices, and Nixon addressed concerns by appointing four conservative justices to the Supreme Court.

The statement that BEST explains the cultural challenge presented in this excerpt and how Nixon addressed these concerns is:

A. The excerpt challenges traditional ideas about women's reproductive choices, and Nixon addressed concerns by appointing four conservative justices to the Supreme Court.

Explanation: The excerpt from Roe v. Wade deals with a challenge to traditional ideas about women's reproductive choices, specifically the right to have an abortion. Nixon addressed these concerns by appointing four conservative justices to the Supreme Court, who could potentially influence the court's rulings on issues related to women's reproductive rights. Therefore, option A best aligns with the content of the excerpt.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the provided excerpt from Roe v. Wade and determine the cultural challenge it presents and how Nixon addressed these concerns.

To begin, let's examine the excerpt from Roe v. Wade:

"The Constitution does not explicitly mention any right of privacy. In a line of decisions, however, going back perhaps as far as Union Trust Co. v. the Commonwealth, 5bin which Mr. Justice Brandeis, speaking for the Court, referred to ‘...specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights [that] have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance.' ... These decisions make it clear that only personal rights that can be deemed ‘fundamental' or ‘implicit in the concept of ordered liberty,'... are included in this guarantee of personal privacy."

Based on this excerpt, it is evident that the cultural challenge presented is the question of whether or not there exists a constitutional right to privacy. The court's interpretation suggests that such a right exists, leading to implications on personal choices, specifically in relation to women's reproductive choices.

Now, let's consider how Nixon addressed these concerns. The correct answer, based on the provided options, is not explicitly stated in the excerpt. However, we know that Nixon was the President of the United States during this time and had opportunities to influence the Supreme Court through judicial appointments or legislative action.

Option A states that Nixon addressed concerns by appointing four conservative justices to the Supreme Court. This option aligns with the details of the excerpt, as the decision in Roe v. Wade was made by the Supreme Court. By appointing conservative justices to the Court, Nixon can shape the ideology and potential future decisions of the Court. However, it is important to note that the excerpt itself does not mention Nixon's actions, so this is an inference based on historical context.

Options B, C, and D are not supported by the information given in the excerpt and do not align with the issue of women's reproductive choices addressed in Roe v. Wade.

Therefore, based on the information provided, option A is the best explanation for the cultural challenge presented in the excerpt and how Nixon potentially addressed these concerns.