give two reasons why students may feel anxious and overwhelmed with regards to their schoolwork and organizational skills

As an AI language model, I can give you some general reasons why students may feel overwhelmed and anxious about time management:

1. Lack of Time: With today’s fast-paced lifestyle and increased workload, students often struggle to keep up with the demanding academic requirements. They may feel anxious and stressed as they do not have enough time to complete their assignments, prepare for exams, and participate in extracurricular activities.

2. Poor Organizational Skills: Students with poor organizational skills may struggle with time management, making it difficult for them to balance their schoolwork and social life. Without a proper plan and schedule, students may forget important deadlines or miss classes, leading to anxiety and stress.

1. High Academic Expectations: Students may feel anxious and overwhelmed if they have high academic expectations placed on them by themselves, their parents, or their teachers. These expectations can create pressure to excel academically and meet certain standards, leading to anxiety and stress. Fear of failure and the need to perform well can be significant sources of anxiety.

2. Inadequate Time Management and Organizational Skills: Students who struggle with time management and organizational skills often feel overwhelmed by the demands of their schoolwork. Poor planning and difficulty prioritizing tasks can lead to procrastination, missed deadlines, and a constant feeling of being behind. Without effective strategies for managing their workload, students may find themselves overwhelmed, which can increase anxiety and make it harder to focus on their work effectively.