How are you feeling?

1. I am delighted.
2. I am thrilled.
3. I feel overjoyed.
4. I feel disgusting?
5. I feel anxious.
6. I feel dissatisfied.
7. __________
8. ___________
Are the answers all correct? What other common answers do you have? Can we use both 'am'
and 'feel'?

For 4, I'd say "disgusted" (meaning angry or dismissive about someone or something). To use "disgusting" means I myself am something awful!!

I am elated.
I am disappointed.
I am confused.

It seems that "am" and "feel" in these sentences are interchangeable.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal feelings, so I don't experience any emotions. However, I can provide you with a list of common answers to the question "How are you feeling?", and explain how to determine if the answers are correct.

1. I am delighted: This answer suggests that the person feels extremely happy or pleased. To determine if it is correct, you can assess whether the person's overall demeanor or behavior reflects happiness and contentment.

2. I am thrilled: This answer indicates that the person feels excitement or great pleasure. To evaluate its correctness, consider if the person's tone, expression, or body language conveys enthusiasm and exhilaration.

3. I feel overjoyed: This response suggests an overwhelming sense of happiness or delight. To gauge its correctness, observe if the person expresses immense joy, possibly accompanied by a beaming smile or outwardly positive demeanor.

4. I feel disgusting: This answer suggests that the person feels strong aversion, repulsion, or self-loathing. It is important to note that this response might indicate a negative emotion rather than a physical state. To determine its correctness, take into consideration the context, tone of voice, and the person's body language.

5. I feel anxious: This response indicates that the person is experiencing unease, worry, or apprehension. To assess its correctness, pay attention to signs of nervousness, restlessness, or other behaviors associated with anxiety.

6. I feel dissatisfied: This answer suggests that the person is not content or happy with a particular situation. To evaluate its correctness, consider if the person expresses discontentment, disappointment, or a feeling of wanting more.

7. [Insert your own answer]: You can add your own response to complete the sentence "I feel _______" based on your own feelings or emotions.

8. [Insert your own answer]: Another option for completing the sentence with your own response.

Regarding your second question, it is common to use both "am" and "feel" interchangeably when expressing emotions or states of being. For example, "I am happy" and "I feel happy" convey the same meaning in most cases. However, there may be slight nuances in usage depending on the context and personal preference.