A football match was between Senegal (18w)and Japan (14E)was played on Saturday the 22nd of September 1995 at 6pm calculate

A. Time
B. Day to the commentry ñof the match by the Japanese

To calculate the time and day of the commentary of the match by the Japanese, we need to consider the given information and do some calculations.

A. Time:
The information provided states that the football match between Senegal and Japan was played on Saturday, September 22, 1995, at 6 PM. Therefore, the match started at 6 PM.

B. Day of the commentary:
To determine the day of the commentary by the Japanese, we need to know the time difference between Senegal and Japan. The letter "W" and "E" associated with the countries indicate their timezone relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

"W" stands for "West" and refers to time zones ahead of UTC, while "E" stands for "East" and refers to time zones behind UTC.

From the given information, we know that Senegal is in the timezone with a "W" indicating that it is ahead of UTC, while Japan is in the timezone with an "E" indicating that it is behind UTC.

To calculate the time difference between Senegal and Japan, we subtract the number associated with the "E" timezone (14) from the number associated with the "W" timezone (18):

Time difference = 18 - 14 = 4 hours

This means that Senegal is 4 hours ahead of Japan.

Assuming the match started at 6 PM in Senegal, we can subtract the time difference of 4 hours to determine the time of the commentary in Japan:

6 PM - 4 hours = 2 PM

Therefore, the commentary by the Japanese would have taken place at 2 PM.

Now, let's determine the day of the commentary. Since the match was played on Saturday, September 22, 1995, and the commentary by the Japanese would have taken place at 2 PM, we can conclude that the day of the commentary was also Saturday, September 22, 1995.