Solve this problems, if a football match is to take place at 4:00pm Tuesday in a town on (longitude of 60°e) turn in their radio for the match

So what is the longitude of the radio?

by the way: 360 deg / 24 hours = 15 degrees per hour on earth.

To determine the time at which you should turn on the radio to listen to the football match, we need to consider the time zone in the town on longitude 60°E.

With longitude 60°E, we can infer that the town is most likely located in the UTC+4:00 time zone, which is also known as Moscow Standard Time (MST).

To find the local time for the football match, we need to convert the given time (4:00 pm) to the local time in the UTC+4:00 time zone.

Since the UTC offset for UTC+4:00 is +4 hours, we add 4 hours to the given time:

4:00 pm + 4 hours = 8:00 pm

Therefore, the football match will start at 8:00 pm local time. You should turn on your radio around that time to catch the game.