A football match between Senegal (18°W) and japan longitude 140°E was played in Senegal on saturday on the 22nd of September 1995 st 8am calculate the :

1: Time
2:Day to listen to commentary of the match by the Japanese

Long diff- 140 +18=158

To convert long difference to time
Since 1 degree= 15
15✓158 =10hr,8 min
10hrs,8min × 4
To adjust time according to movement of directions,since the arrow is pointing to the east,so we add
Local time- 6 ,32pm
Day 22nd of September 1995

A football Match between Kenya (18 West)and south Korea (140east)was was played in Kenya on Saturday 28 april 2008 at 6 pm.calculate the time and the day south South Koreans will watch the match on national TV

Please can someone help me answer this question

It was hard but I understand it now

Pls can someone answer the question for me please....


day to list to commentary match by the Japanese

Calculate the time date and day to listen to commentary of the match in Japan

How are we going to arrange it

To calculate the time and day to listen to the commentary of the match by the Japanese, we need to consider the time difference between Senegal and Japan.

1. Time Calculation:
The longitude difference between Senegal (18°W) and Japan (140°E) is 158°. Since there are 15 degrees of longitude for every hour, we can calculate the time difference by dividing the longitude difference by 15:

158° / 15° = 10.53 hours

Since Japan is ahead of Senegal in terms of longitude, we need to subtract this time difference from the starting time of the match in Senegal.

8:00 AM - 10.53 hours = 9:27 PM (rounded to the nearest minute)

Therefore, the Japanese will need to listen to the commentary of the match at 9:27 PM.

2. Day Calculation:
To determine the day to listen to the commentary, we need to take into account the international date line. Since Japan is to the east of Senegal, it is likely ahead in time.

The international date line generally runs along the 180° longitude meridian. However, it is bent near certain countries to prevent them from being split into two different calendar days. We need to determine if Japan is on the other side of the date line, which might affect the day calculation.

Given the information provided, it is not clear whether Japan is east or west of the international date line. Therefore, we cannot accurately determine the day to listen to the commentary without additional information or confirmation of Japan's position relative to the date line.