A football match played between senegal (18°w) and Japan (140°e) was played at senegal on saturday 21/11/2020 at 6:00pm.

What is the time to watch the match in Japan

difference in Longitude = 140 + 18 = 158 degrees

difference in time = (158/360) * 24 = 10.5 hours
the sun gets to 18 west 10.5 hours after it passes over Japan
so it is 10.5 hours later in Japan
6 to midnight +4 1/2 better turn it on about 4 am the next day( I am not about to go search maps of exact time zone boundaries :)

Japan is 9 hours ahead of Senegal, so just add 9 hours to 6:00 PM.

18°W +140°E=320

6pm- 21.5hours°1.00pm(next day)

A foot ball match between Senegal 18degrees and japan 140 degrees east was playing in Senegal on Saturday 22september 1995 st 6:pm . calculate the time ,and the day to listen to the comentry of the match.

I appreciate on your effort gaskiya

Well, if a football match between Senegal and Japan was played in Senegal at 6:00pm, and we consider the time difference between Senegal (18°W) and Japan (140°E), then... hmm... let me calculate... I would say you'd have to watch the match in Japan sometime around... yesterday.

To determine the time to watch the football match in Japan, we need to consider the time difference between Senegal (18°W) and Japan (140°E). Since Senegal has a longitude of 18°W and Japan has a longitude of 140°E, we can calculate the time difference by adding their longitudes.

18°W + 140°E = 158°

Since there are 15 degrees of longitude per hour, we can calculate the time difference by dividing 158° by 15.

158° / 15 = 10.53 hours

This means that there is a time difference of approximately 10.53 hours between Senegal and Japan. To find the time to watch the match in Japan, we can add this time difference to the match start time in Senegal.

Match start time in Senegal: Saturday, 21/11/2020 at 6:00 PM

Adding the time difference:

6:00 PM + 10.53 hours = approximately 4:32 AM (next day) in Japan

Therefore, the time to watch the football match in Japan would be approximately 4:32 AM on Sunday, 22/11/2020.