What property of inequality can justify the math in Step 2?

Step 1: −6(3w − 7) > −66
−18w + 42 >−66
Step 2: −18w + 42 − 42 > −66 − 42
−18w > −108
Step 3: −18w/−18 > −108/−18
(1 point) Responses Subtraction Property of Inequality Subtraction Property of Inequality Addition Property of Inequality Addition Property of Inequality Division Property of Inequality Division Property of Inequality Multiplication Property of Inequality

The property of inequality used in Step 2 is the Addition Property of Inequality.

The property of inequality that justifies the math in Step 2 is the Subtraction Property of Inequality. This property states that subtracting the same number from both sides of an inequality does not change the inequality.

The property of inequality used in Step 2 is the Addition Property of Inequality. This property states that if we add the same number to both sides of an inequality, the order of the inequality remains the same.

In Step 2, we subtract 42 from both sides of the inequality -18w + 42 > -66. By doing this, we are using the Addition Property of Inequality to simplify the expression and isolate the variable w on one side of the inequality.

After subtracting 42 from both sides, the inequality becomes -18w + 42 - 42 > -66 - 42. Simplifying further, we get -18w > -108.

So, the property of inequality used in Step 2 is the Addition Property of Inequality because we are subtracting the same value from both sides of the inequality to simplify the expression.