Which detail from the text best supports the theme "a respectable woman is who is honest with herself about her feelings"

A) " . . . When she could understand him no better than at first, she gave over being puzzled and remained piqued"

B) "For my part, he tires me frightfully"

C) "I expected him to be interesting at least"

D) "she knew there are some battles in life which a human being must fight alone"

E) "No. I should like him better if he did; if he were more like others, and I had to plan somewhat for his comfort and enjoyment."

Can someone help me. I think it's d but I'm not completely sure

The answer is D you are right

To determine which detail from the text best supports the theme "a respectable woman is one who is honest with herself about her feelings," we need to closely analyze each option and consider how it relates to the theme.

A) "When she could understand him no better than at first, she gave over being puzzled and remained piqued."
This detail focuses on the woman's emotional state and how she continues to feel piqued when she can't understand the man. While it provides some insight into her feelings, it does not explicitly highlight her honesty with herself.

B) "For my part, he tires me frightfully."
This detail conveys the woman's feelings of being tired or exhausted by the man. It suggests that she is aware of her emotions and is being true to herself. However, it does not directly address the theme of being honest about her feelings.

C) "I expected him to be interesting at least."
Here, the woman expresses her disappointment in the man, indicating that her expectations were not met. While this shows some self-awareness and honesty about her feelings, it doesn't specifically underscore the theme in question.

D) "She knew there are some battles in life which a human being must fight alone."
This detail implies that the woman recognizes the importance of personal struggles that one must face independently. While it doesn't explicitly relate to the theme, it touches on the idea of self-reflection and self-awareness.

E) "No. I should like him better if he did; if he were more like others, and I had to plan somewhat for his comfort and enjoyment."
This statement reflects the woman's honest assessment and admission of how she would prefer the man to be different. By acknowledging her own preferences and desires, she demonstrates self-awareness and honesty about her feelings.

Considering all the options, the detail that best supports the theme "a respectable woman is one who is honest with herself about her feelings" is option E. This statement shows her awareness and honesty about her preferences and emotions, aligning with the theme in question.

The detail from the text that best supports the theme "a respectable woman is one who is honest with herself about her feelings" is D) "she knew there are some battles in life which a human being must fight alone." This detail suggests that the woman recognizes the importance of acknowledging and dealing with her own feelings independently, indicating that she is honest with herself about her emotions.