Using Relevant Details Quick Check

5 of 55 of 5 Items

Which purpose does a relevant detail serve?(1 point)

It supports the central idea of the text.
It supports the central idea of the text.

It evaluates facts and evidence.
It evaluates facts and evidence.

It undermines the effectiveness of an argument.
It undermines the effectiveness of an argument.

It identifies ideas not related to the topic.

It supports the central idea of the text.

A relevant detail serves the purpose of supporting the central idea of the text.

The purpose of a relevant detail is to support the central idea of the text. In other words, a relevant detail provides specific information or evidence that helps to strengthen or explain the main point or argument being made in the text. By including relevant details, the author is able to add depth and credibility to their ideas. So, the correct answer to the question is: It supports the central idea of the text.