Which of the following describes an inference?(1 point)

a guess made about what a text is saying

evidence from the text that supports a conclusion

information directly provided in a text

definition of an important term in a text

D. Informational details from a text that support an idea or analysis.

B. readers can use both explicit details and details that lead to inferences to support their analysis of a text.

D. The details are clearly stated.

A. an idea or conclusion based on text evidence and reasoning.

D. authors often provide information but do not stay the directly.

100% right

toilet right 100%


That is all correct!!

An inference refers to a guess or conclusion that is made based on evidence or clues presented in a text. So, the correct answer is "a guess made about what a text is saying."

To determine the answer, it is important to understand the meaning of the term "inference." Inference is a process of reasoning where you draw conclusions or make educated guesses based on the information provided. In the context of reading and comprehension, inferences are made by using evidence or clues from the text.

Option 1: "A guess made about what a text is saying" accurately describes an inference because it involves using reasoning and evidence from the text to form an educated guess or conclusion about its meaning.

Option 2: "Evidence from the text that supports a conclusion" is not the correct answer because it describes the evidence itself rather than the inference that is drawn from it.

Option 3: "Information directly provided in a text" is not the correct answer either since it refers to the explicit details or facts mentioned in the text, whereas an inference involves drawing conclusions or making guesses beyond what is explicitly stated.

Option 4: "Definition of an important term in a text" is not the correct answer as it refers to a specific definition provided within the text, rather than an inference.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 1: "a guess made about what a text is saying."