Camila is working two summer jobs, making $10 per hour lifeguarding and $6 per hour walking dogs. Last week Camila worked 5 more hours lifeguarding than hours walking dogs and earned a total of $114. Write a system of equations that could be used to determine the number of hours Camila worked lifeguarding last week and the number of hours she worked walking dogs last week. Define the variables that you use to write the system.

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To write the system of equations, we need to define the variables. Let's assume:

Let's say the number of hours Camila worked lifeguarding last week is represented by the variable "L".
And let's say the number of hours Camila worked walking dogs last week is represented by the variable "D".

Now, let's create the equations based on the given information:

1. Camila worked 5 more hours lifeguarding than hours walking dogs:
L = D + 5

2. Camila earned a total of $114:
10L + 6D = 114

Therefore, the system of equations that could be used to determine the number of hours Camila worked lifeguarding and walking dogs last week would be:
L = D + 5
10L + 6D = 114