A fooball match between senegal and japan was played in senegal on saturday on the 22 september 1995 at 6pm calculate the time and day to listen to commetary of match by the japan

To calculate the time and day to listen to the commentary of the Senegal vs. Japan football match by Japan, we need to take into account the difference in time zones between Senegal and Japan.

First, let's determine the time difference between the two countries. Senegal is typically in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) timezone, while Japan is in the Japan Standard Time (JST) timezone.

The time difference between GMT and JST is usually 9 hours, with Japan being ahead of Senegal. However, it's important to account for any daylight saving time changes that might apply on the given date.

According to the information provided, the match was played on Saturday, September 22, 1995, at 6:00 PM local time in Senegal. To calculate the time in Japan, we can add the time difference between the two time zones.

Considering there are no daylight saving time changes in effect on the specified date, the time in Japan would be:

6:00 PM (Senegal time) + 9 hours (time difference) = 3:00 AM (next day) in Japan time.

Therefore, to listen to the commentary of the match in Japan, you would need to tune in on Sunday, September 23, 1995, at 3:00 AM.