Identify one physical activity you participate in during the unit describe the physical activity and two ways you could improve your performance on the identified activity

so, have you at least identified something you do?

One physical activity I participate in during the unit is running. Running is a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

To improve my performance in running, I could try the following two ways:

1. Incorporate interval training: Interval training involves alternating between periods of high-intensity running and recovery periods. By including intervals in my running routine, I can improve my speed and overall running performance. For example, I could add sprints or fast-paced intervals into my regular runs.

2. Focus on strength training: Building strength in the muscles used for running can help improve performance and prevent injuries. Incorporating exercises like squats, lunges, and calf raises into my workout routine can strengthen my legs and core, enabling me to run faster and with better form. Additionally, incorporating exercises that target the hip and glute muscles, such as hip bridges or clamshells, can also improve running efficiency.

To identify a physical activity you participate in, think about any form of exercise or movement you engage in regularly. It could be something you do for leisure, fitness, or as part of your daily routine. Once you have identified the activity, you can describe it and discuss ways to improve your performance.

For example, let's say you frequently participate in jogging or running as your physical activity.

1. Describe the physical activity:
Jogging or running is a rhythmic and repetitive movement involving the rapid transfer of weight from one foot to another, usually performed at a moderate to high intensity. It is commonly practiced outdoors, either independently or as part of a group or organized event.

2. Two ways to improve performance:
a. Set clear goals: One way to improve your performance in jogging or running is by setting specific and attainable goals. This could be related to distance, speed, endurance, or even incorporating interval training. Setting goals helps to provide focus and motivation, allowing you to track your progress and strive for improvement.
b. Implement a structured training plan: Having a structured training plan in place can enhance your performance. It includes a combination of different running workouts such as long runs for endurance, tempo runs to increase speed, hill repeats for strength, and recovery runs to aid in overall stamina. Following a structured plan provides consistency, challenges your body in various ways, and prevents monotony.

Remember that every individual may have different goals and needs, so it's important to listen to your body, progressively challenge yourself, and consider seeking guidance from a certified trainer or coach if necessary.