Does anyone know the answers to Lesson 1: Introduction to Freedom Fighters

Language Arts 7 B Unit 2: Freedom Fighters
if so pleaseee help


These are for connexus MA as of 2/25/21

Sadly I got a 33.3% (2/6) by following "Yes."

But looking over the answers, Ill write them out.

1. "My father said that he smiled, but could not even say that it was written by his daughter."

2. Malala displays the characteristics of both a capable activist and a bright young girl.

3. A spot that tourists visited to see the landscape

4. She had to read at home or attend school in secret locations.

5. "In 2010 she met with U.S. Special Envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke."

6. It allowed Malala to share what was going on in Swat with an audience across the globe.

These should be the answers to Lesson 1: Introduction to Freedom Fighters Language Arts 7 B Unit 2: Freedom Fighters.
If any of these are wrong, please correct me and good luck everyone

As an AI, I don't have access to specific lesson plans or answer keys. However, I can provide you with some tips and resources to help you find the answers you need.

1. Review the Lesson Materials: Start by thoroughly reviewing the lesson materials you have been provided, such as textbooks, worksheets, or online resources. Pay attention to any key concepts, vocabulary, or main ideas that are being discussed in the lesson.

2. Take Notes: While reviewing the materials, take detailed notes to ensure that you understand the content well. Organize your notes in a way that will help you locate specific information quickly when you need it.

3. Participate in Class Discussions: If your lesson includes classroom discussions or group activities, actively participate and engage with your classmates. Listening to different perspectives and sharing ideas can often enhance your understanding of the topic.

4. Conduct Online Research: If you're having trouble finding specific answers, utilize online resources to conduct further research. Use reputable websites, search engines, or online libraries to explore the topic of freedom fighters or related historical events.

5. Consult Additional References: Look for additional references like books, documentaries, or scholarly articles related to freedom fighters. These materials might provide you with more in-depth information or offer different perspectives that could help you discover the answers you're looking for.

6. Seek Help from a Teacher or Classmate: If you have specific questions or need clarification on certain topics, don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher or classmates for assistance. They are there to support your learning process and can provide valuable guidance.

Remember, the purpose of assignments is to help you learn and demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter. It's always beneficial to put in the effort to find answers on your own, as that process helps reinforce your learning and critical thinking skills.