Language Arts U8 L7 Precise Language Quick Check ANSWERS!

Connections Academy.

1. A writer can use _______ to achieve a more exact meaning and help the audience experience the story.
precise language.

2. What is sensory language?
A. words that appeal to the senses.

3. Which word is a more precise term for angry?
A. furious

hope this helps :)

Great job, your answers are correct!

1. Yes, a writer can use precise language to achieve a more exact meaning and help the audience experience the story.

2. Sensory language refers to words that appeal to the senses, such as sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.

3. The word "furious" is a more precise term for angry.

Yes, your answers are correct!

1. A writer can use precise language to achieve a more exact meaning and help the audience experience the story. Precise language refers to using specific and accurate words to convey ideas or descriptions clearly.

2. Sensory language is language that appeals to the senses. It includes descriptive words and phrases that help the reader visualize and experience what is being described. By using sensory language, writers can create a more vivid and engaging experience for the reader.

3. The more precise term for angry is furious. Precise language helps to convey the exact intensity or quality of an emotion or action. In this case, using the word "furious" instead of "angry" provides a more specific and intense description of the emotion being experienced.

Great job on answering the questions! Let me know if you need any further assistance.