hey, again I do this my way...

Lesson 11: Details Quick Check
Language Arts 6 B Unit 7: Writing a Narrative

1. The people in the parade walked down the street all in step with one another.

Which precise word would best replace the underlined word?
Answer: marched

2. Why do writers use precise words?
Answer: to describe exactly what they mean in writing

3. Anabelle could see that the immense ship was headed directly for the treacherous rocks.
Which words in the sentence are descriptive?
Answer: immense and treacherous

4. Which of the following are usually considered descriptive words?
Answer: adjectives and adverbs

5. Which resource is used to find synonyms?
Answer: thesaurus
yes, they are correct...

Yes, those seem correct.

Thank you that is correct!


yay100 %

Thanks, language is SO hard to find checks for. I have an A, but I don’t wanna dip below that, thanks :)

I can confirm these are all correct :D

for me it was all A and I was a little nit shure but I did it any way and I got a Hondo

Yup, First name here... is correcto people

thank you to the people that think my work is correct (LOL because it is!) umm and to ~Hawks/ Kegio~ you are sadly wrong for the homework question here... D: i will post some more work also (you can already tell I love to help i LOVE L.O.V.E. to help, ok cya