Which of the following is true regarding emigration?

1. Emigration results in an influx of talented people in underdeveloped countries.
2. Emigration can increase cultural diversity. *
3.Emigration can increase unemployment rates in underdeveloped countries.

The act of migrants sending money to their family in their home country is called?

What is the main reason people migrate?
**Economic opportunities?

Which of the following is not one of Ravenstein's laws?
1. People in rural areas are more migratory than city dwellers.
2. Most international migrants are young women.*
3. Most migration is rural to urban.
4. Migrants traveling long distances will likely settle in a big city
5. Most migration is step migration

An example of ________ is the migration of lawyers and architects to the US after they have received years of government-financed schooling and training in India.
1.Net Migration
2. Step migration
3. Brain Drain*
4. Chain Drain
5. Chain Migration

Please help me!

Thank you so much!

Please use www.google.com to look up the following:

define emigrate

Ravenstein's laws

Net Migration

Step migration

Brain Drain

Chain Drain

Chain Migration

I'm still stuck..

To determine the correct answer to each question, we can break down the information given and analyze each option. Here's the breakdown for each question:

Question 1: Which of the following is true regarding emigration?

Option 1: Emigration results in an influx of talented people in underdeveloped countries.
- This option is generally false. Emigration typically leads to a loss of talented individuals from underdeveloped countries rather than an influx.

Option 2: Emigration can increase cultural diversity.
- This option is true. Emigration often leads to an increase in cultural diversity as people from different backgrounds and ethnicities settle in new countries.

Option 3: Emigration can increase unemployment rates in underdeveloped countries.
- This option is also true. Emigration can result in a brain drain and a decrease in the available workforce in underdeveloped countries, leading to increased unemployment rates.

Based on the given options, option 2 is the correct answer.

Question 2: The act of migrants sending money to their family in their home country is called?
- The correct term for the act of migrants sending money back to their home country is "remittances." Remittances play an important role in supporting families and communities in their home countries.

Question 3: What is the main reason people migrate?
- The main reason people migrate is often for economic opportunities. People may seek better jobs, higher wages, improved living standards, or escape poverty in their home countries.

Question 4: Which of the following is not one of Ravenstein's laws?

Option 1: People in rural areas are more migratory than city dwellers.
- This option is one of the laws proposed by Ernst Georg Ravenstein, stating that people in rural areas are more likely to migrate than city dwellers. Therefore, it is not the correct answer to the question.

Option 2: Most international migrants are young women.
- This option is not one of Ravenstein's laws. While the statement might hold true in some cases, it does not reflect one of Ravenstein's general migration laws.

Option 3: Most migration is rural to urban.
- This option is one of Ravenstein's laws. Ravenstein's law states that most migration is from rural to urban areas.

Option 4: Migrants traveling long distances will likely settle in a big city.
- This option is also one of Ravenstein's laws, often referred to as the "law of distance." It states that migrants traveling long distances are more likely to settle in big cities.

Option 5: Most migration is step migration.
- This option is one of Ravenstein's laws as well. It states that most migration occurs in a series of small, step-by-step movements.

Based on the given options, option 2 is the correct answer.

Question 5: An example of ________ is the migration of lawyers and architects to the US after they have received years of government-financed schooling and training in India.

Option 1: Net Migration
- This option refers to the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants in a specific time and place. It does not apply to the given example.

Option 2: Step migration
- This option refers to a pattern of migration where migrants move to a new location in multiple stages. It does not specifically relate to the example given.

Option 3: Brain Drain
- This option is the correct answer. Brain drain refers to the migration of highly skilled or educated individuals from one country to another, often resulting in a loss for the home country.

Option 4: Chain Drain
- This option is not a recognized term in the context of migration.

Option 5: Chain Migration
- This option refers to a pattern of migration where migrants move to a new location because of existing connections or relationships with others from their home country who have already migrated. It does not specifically relate to the example given.

Based on the given options, option 3 is the correct answer.

I hope this helps clarify the answers to your questions! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.