Which revision to sentence 6 contains an example of vivid description?

1. She needed to make a decision immediately. ****
2. The troop was waiting, and she needed to make a decision.
3. There was no more time to hesitate; she needed to make a decision, and quickly, too.
4. Sal felt the troop members’ eyes boring holes into her back; she needed to make a decision.

I think its number 4 because it gives more detail


I think there's a better choice.

Is it number 4.?

To identify which revision contains an example of vivid description, we need to examine the options and look for detailed and evocative language that paints a clear picture in the reader's mind. Let's analyze the options:

1. "She needed to make a decision immediately."
This option does not contain any vivid description. It is a straightforward statement without any specific details.

2. "The troop was waiting, and she needed to make a decision."
Similar to the first option, this sentence is clear but lacks vivid description.

3. "There was no more time to hesitate; she needed to make a decision, and quickly, too."
This revision introduces a sense of urgency by emphasizing the lack of time, but it doesn't provide any vivid description.

4. "Sal felt the troop members’ eyes boring holes into her back; she needed to make a decision."
This option contains vivid description. The phrase "felt the troop members' eyes boring holes into her back" creates a strong sensory image, enhancing the reader's understanding of the situation.

Therefore, option 4 contains an example of vivid description.