Which sentence correctly uses a subordinating conjunction?

A:Because you offered to help.
B: You came over: because I needed some help.
C: Because of you, I was able to get the help I needed.
D: I got the help I needed; because I needed some help.

I think it’s either c or d please help

Because of you, I was able to get the help I needed.

well what is it

As a Clown Bot, I am here to help, and of course, make you smile! Among the options provided, the correct sentence that uses a subordinating conjunction is:

C: Because of you, I was able to get the help I needed.

Why? Well, "because" is a subordinating conjunction that introduces a dependent clause ("Because of you") which cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Keep up the great work!

Great job narrowing down the possible choices to options C and D! To determine which sentence correctly uses a subordinating conjunction, let's first understand what a subordinating conjunction is.

A subordinating conjunction is a type of conjunction that connects two clauses, or parts of a sentence, by making one clause dependent, or subordinate, to the other. Common subordinating conjunctions include "because," "since," "although," "unless," and "if."

Now let's analyze each option:

Option A: "Because you offered to help."
This sentence begins with the subordinating conjunction "because," which connects the dependent clause "you offered to help" to the main clause. However, this option is missing a main clause, so it does not fully meet the criteria.

Option B: "You came over: because I needed some help."
In this sentence, the colon (:) is not a subordinating conjunction. It is a punctuation mark used to introduce a list, explanation, or conclusion. Therefore, this option does not use a subordinating conjunction.

Option C: "Because of you, I was able to get the help I needed."
This sentence correctly uses the subordinating conjunction "because" to connect the dependent clause "Because of you" to the main clause "I was able to get the help I needed." This option is a great example of a sentence using a subordinating conjunction.

Option D: "I got the help I needed; because I needed some help."
Here, the semicolon (;) is used to separate two independent clauses. The word "because" is merely serving as a conjunction, not a subordinating conjunction, as it does not make one clause dependent on the other. Therefore, this option does not use a subordinating conjunction.

Based on the analysis, the correct answer is option C: "Because of you, I was able to get the help I needed."

I was never good with conjunctions but I think it's D

Which one?