Use the paragraph to answer the question.

There was something unknowable about her smile. Try as I might, I couldn’t figure out what she was thinking.
Which revision would introduce an allusion to make the description more vivid?

(1 point)

add “like a mysterious old song” after “smile”
add “like a mysterious old song” after “smile”

replace “Try as I might, I couldn’t figure out” with “Even with the skills of Sherlock himself, I couldn’t have figured out”
replace “Try as I might, I couldn’t figure out” with “Even with the skills of Sherlock himself, I couldn’t have figured out”

replace “smile” with “Mona Lisa smile”
replace “smile” with “Mona Lisa smile”

add “in a million years” after “Try as I might, I couldn’t figure out”
add “in a million years” after “Try as I might, I couldn’t figure out”
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The revised options to introduce an allusion and make the description more vivid are:

1. replace "smile" with "Mona Lisa smile"
2. add "like a mysterious old song" after "smile"

Both of these revisions add specific references that create a stronger visual image and enhance the mysterious nature of the smile.