Paper Topic - "Sexual Assault: A rising issue in our --- youth."

Please revise the following question and choices for my survey:

Do you consider yourself open with your sexual orientation?
a. Yes, but I have people around me who think otherwise
b. A definite yes
c. No, I keep it to myself and put up a front
d. No, I'm still in the process of trying out what works for me (style-wise, behavior)

I don't see anything wrong with grammar.

Those questions look o.k. to me.

What in the world does this mean? <<consider yourself open>>

Oh ok. I've changed it bob. haha

Revised question for the survey:

Do you feel comfortable being open about your sexual orientation?

Revised choices for the survey:

a. Yes, I'm comfortable with it, but there are people around me who may not be accepting.
b. Yes, I'm completely comfortable and open about my sexual orientation.
c. No, I prefer to keep my sexual orientation private and maintain a facade.
d. No, I'm still exploring and figuring out my identity, including my style and behavior.