Select the statement that is true.

A sexual reproduction occurs when two gametes fuse
Sexual reproduction requires a single parent.
A sexual reproduction is a simpler process than sexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction produces more offspring than asexual reproduction

The statement "Sexual reproduction occurs when two gametes fuse" is true.

The statement that is true is: "A sexual reproduction occurs when two gametes fuse."

The statement that is true is: "A sexual reproduction occurs when two gametes fuse."

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each statement:

1. A sexual reproduction occurs when two gametes fuse: This statement is true. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of two gametes, which can include sperm and egg cells in animals or pollen and egg cells in plants.

2. Sexual reproduction requires a single parent: This statement is false. Sexual reproduction typically requires two parents to produce offspring. Each parent contributes one set of genetic material to the offspring.

3. A sexual reproduction is a simpler process than sexual reproduction: This statement is unclear and contradictory. However, based on the context, it seems the word "a" may be a typo, and it should likely read "asexual reproduction is a simpler process than sexual reproduction." In this case, the statement is false. Sexual reproduction is a more complex process that involves the merging of genetic material from two parents, while asexual reproduction involves the production of genetically identical offspring without the need for a partner.

4. Sexual reproduction produces more offspring than asexual reproduction: This statement is not necessarily true. The number of offspring produced thual and asexual reproduction can vary. Asexual reproduction can generate large numbers of offspring in a short time, as it does not involve the formation of gametes or the need for a partner. Sexual reproduction typically yields fewer offspring, but each offspring is genetically diverse and has a higher chance of survival.

In conclusion, the true statement is "A sexual reproduction occurs when two gametes fuse."