1) which of rock identification characteristics did you find most helpful?

Which was leat helpful.

"most helpful" and "least helpful" are the words asking for YOUR OPINION.

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I think that composition is most helpful but I don't know how to explain it.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal experiences or preferences. However, I can provide you with information on commonly used rock identification characteristics. Different characteristics can be helpful or less helpful depending on the specific rock and the context of the identification process. Here are some commonly used characteristics for rock identification:

1) Color: The color of a rock can provide clues about its mineral composition. For example, green color often indicates the presence of minerals like olivine or chlorite.

2) Texture: The texture of a rock refers to the size and arrangement of its mineral grains. This can help determine whether it is coarse-grained (with large grains), fine-grained (with small grains), or has a specific arrangement like layering or vesicles (holes formed by gas bubbles).

3) Hardness: The hardness of a rock can be measured using the Mohs scale, which ranks minerals based on their relative hardness. By testing the hardness, you can make comparisons and narrow down potential rock types.

4) Clevage and Fracture: Clevage refers to how a rock breaks along planes of weakness, while fracture refers to how it breaks irregularly. These characteristics can help determine if a rock has distinctive patterns of breakage.

5) Mineral Composition: Identifying the minerals present in a rock can be done through visual inspection or using tools such as a hand lens or microscope. Some minerals have distinct visual properties that can aid in identification.

It's important to note that the helpfulness of these characteristics can vary depending on the rock type and the level of expertise of the person identifying the rock. In some cases, additional tests like streak, luster, or specific gravity may be necessary to confirm identification. Ultimately, using a combination of these characteristics is often the most effective approach to rock identification.

Determining which characteristic is most helpful or least helpful would depend on the specific situation and the rock being examined.