1. True or False

The number of calories consumed must equal the numbers of calories burned

2.Which of the following factors that contribute to your weight do you have the least amount of control over?
A. Activity level
B. Peers
c. Body composition
D. Heredity

3. True or False
No matter if you are underweight, overweight, or at an appropriate weight, you still need to exercise.
A. True
B. False

4. A person who is heavier than the standard for the person's height is__?
A. Overweight
B. Obese
C. Hefty
D. Extremely obese

5. True or False
Fad diets are an appropriate and healthy way to lose weight
A. True
B. False

6. Girls are the only gender capable of suffering from an eating disorder.
A. True
B. False

7. Which of the following does not describe why many people with eating disorders do not seek help?
A. Are embarrassed
B. Deny there is a problem
C. Find comfort in food
D. Are ashamed of their behaviors

8. Not eating out of self-starvation is known as?
A. Bulimia
B. Binge eating
C. Anorexia nervosa
D. Malnutrition

9. Purging causes a serious health risk because of?
A.It allows stomach acid to burn your esophagus
B. Causes an abnormal gag reflex
C. Becomes an addiction
D. Can cause your heart to suddenly stop

10. Some people use binge eating to avoid situations that are?
A. Rewarding
B. Difficult
C. A waste of time
D. Unexciting

I got a 3/10 or a 30%

7.Find comfort in food.
8.Anorexia nervosa
9.It allows stomach acid to burn your esophagus.

Mee are theses right

I made 100% mee is right

They are right mees are

Mee is correct

mee is right i was scared at first but she is right

whats the answers?

no i am not guessing i'm serius

they are all right

I was scared I was going to get most of these wrong, but I checked my answers they were the same! Thanks, Mee! 😄

yeet skeets whats the answers

Hello guys. Just to let you know @Mee's answers are still right for connexus. If they aren't right for you then they changed your test. Good Luck!!

1. false

2. b or d
3. fasle
4. a
5. true
6. false
7. a or b
8. ? i think A
9. ?
10. b

Congratulations: you have answered five correctly. My guess is you are guessing, and grazing for answers. We don't bite on that fish.