1. What was the ruling in the case Boynton vs. Virginia?+ m,n


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The ruling in the case Boynton vs. Virginia was that racial segregation in interstate transportation facilities, such as bus terminals, was unconstitutional.

To find the ruling in this case, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by researching the case name "Boynton vs. Virginia" to gather background information.
2. Look for reliable legal sources such as legal databases, court websites, or reputable law journals.
3. Access the official court documents, including the Supreme Court decision, pertaining to the case.
4. Read through the court decision to understand the facts of the case, the legal arguments presented, and the final ruling.
5. In this specific instance, you would discover that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Boynton, stating that the segregation of interstate transportation facilities violated the Interstate Commerce Act and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Understanding the case's historical context, key legal principles, and the reasoning behind the court's decision can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the ruling in Boynton vs. Virginia.