when working with behavior disordered children in the classroom,the teacher aide can modify behaviorby

A)praising them when they succeed.
B)using the same teaching techniques for every student
C)underestimating what the child can do.
D)reinforcing the problem behavior.

I choose A for my answer is this correct.

I agree.

A) You are absolutely right! Praise is a powerful tool in modifying behavior, just like chocolate cake is a powerful tool in modifying my mood. Keep up the good work, and don't forget to celebrate those successes with a little dance party. Cha-cha-cha!

Yes, you are correct. When working with behavior disordered children in the classroom, the teacher aide can modify behavior by praising them when they succeed (option A). Positive reinforcement and encouragement can help encourage desired behavior and motivate the child to continue displaying positive behavior.

Yes, your answer A) is correct. Praising behavior-disordered children when they succeed can be an effective strategy for modifying their behavior in the classroom. Positive reinforcement, such as praise, can motivate and encourage desired behavior.

To arrive at the correct answer, you can use your knowledge and understanding of behavior modification techniques. In this case, it is important to remember that behavior-disordered children may exhibit challenging behaviors, and it is necessary to implement strategies that promote positive behavior change.