What is the Simplified form?


my answer is C.


Thank You.

yes its d


(14x)^0 = 1

Steve these - signs are throwing me off....so even though that is - (14x)to the 0 - which = 1 it is a negative still?

yes. (14x)^0 = 1, so -(14x)^0 = -(1) = -1

now, (-14x)^0 = 1, because the - sign is part of what is raised to the 0 power.

Powers are done before +/- unless parens change the order.

ok...that helped - I get it...thank you

It's nice when it finally clicks, eh?

Maybe it will help if you consider a leading "-" as preceded by a 0. So,

-x^2 = 0-x^2

now it is clear that the powers get done before the subtraction.

-(-2x)^-3 = 0-(-2x)^-3 = 0 - 1/(-2x)^3 = 0 - 1/-8x^3 = 1/8x^3

So it's d???

What is this???

To simplify the expression -(14x)^0y^-7z, we'll break it down step by step:

1. Start by simplifying the expression inside the parentheses: (14x)^0 becomes 1, since any number raised to the power of 0 is always equal to 1.
The expression now becomes 1y^-7z.

2. Next, simplify y^-7. When we have a negative exponent, we can rewrite it as the reciprocal of the positive exponent. Therefore, y^-7 becomes 1/y^7.
The expression now becomes 1/y^7 * z.

3. Finally, since multiplying by 1 doesn't change the value, we can omit the 1. So the simplified form is just z/y^7.

Based on the given options, your answer is correct: C.) z/y^7.