Create a visual representation of a mathematical equation. The image should comprise symbolic elements such as numbers, symbols, and geometrical figures. The equation in focus involves two operations: subtraction and multiplication. It contains integers, variables, brackets, and fractions. The image should not contain any textual elements.

Subtract 12(z+4)−3(14z+1) . Use fractions in final form

To find the value of the expression, we need to distribute and combine like terms.

First, distribute 12 to (z+4) to get 12z + 48.
Then, distribute -3 to (14z+1) to get -42z - 3.

Now we can combine like terms.

12z - 42z + 48 - 3 = (12z - 42z) + (48 - 3) = -30z + 45.

Therefore, the final expression is -30z + 45.

To subtract 12(z+4) from -3(14z+1), we need to distribute the negative sign to each term inside the parentheses.

Starting with -3(14z+1), we can apply the distributive property to get -42z - 3.

Next, we subtract 12(z+4) from -42z - 3. Again, we distribute the 12 to each term inside the parentheses: 12z + 48.

Now we can combine like terms.

The original expression becomes -42z - 3 - (12z + 48).

To subtract, we distribute the negative sign to each term inside the parentheses: -42z - 3 - 12z - 48.

Combining like terms, we have -54z - 51 as our final answer.

To subtract the given expression, we need to distribute the coefficients outside the brackets to the terms inside. Let's go step by step:

First, distribute the 12 to (z + 4):
12(z + 4) = 12z + 48

Next, distribute the -3 to (14z + 1):
-3(14z + 1) = -42z - 3

Now, let's combine like terms. We have 12z and -42z as our only z terms:
12z - 42z = -30z

Similarly, we have 48 and -3 as our only constant terms:
48 - 3 = 45

Finally, we rewrite the simplified expression:
-30z + 45

To express the final answer in fraction form, we can rewrite -30z + 45 as a fraction over 1:
(-30z + 45)/1

This is the final answer in fraction form.