Bill and Amy want to ride their bikes from their neighbourhood to school which is 14.4 kilmeters away. It takes Amy 40 mins to arrive at school. Bill arrives 20 mins after Amy. How much faster (in meters/second) is Amy's average speed for the entire trip?

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amy speed=distanc/time

bill speed=distance/time

figure both those, and subtract.

be certain to convert km/min to m/s

To calculate Amy's average speed, we need to convert the time and distance to the same units. Let's convert Amy's time from minutes to hours.

Amy's time to arrive at school = 40 minutes = 40/60 = 2/3 hours

Now, we can calculate Amy's average speed:

Amy's average speed = Distance / Time = 14.4 km / (2/3) hours = 14.4 km * 3/2 hours = 21.6 km/hr

Since Bill arrives 20 minutes after Amy, we can calculate his time as:

Bill's time to arrive at school = 40 minutes + 20 minutes = 60 minutes = 1 hour

Now, we can calculate Bill's average speed:

Bill's average speed = Distance / Time = 14.4 km / 1 hour = 14.4 km/hr

To compare their speeds, we can calculate the speed difference:

Speed difference = Amy's average speed - Bill's average speed
= 21.6 km/hr - 14.4 km/hr
= 7.2 km/hr

To convert the speed to meters per second, we need to multiply by 1000/3600 since 1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters and 1 hour is equal to 3600 seconds:

Speed difference in meters/second = (7.2 km/hr) * (1000 m/km) / (3600 s/hr)
= (7.2 * 1000) / 3600
= 7200 / 3600
= 2 m/s

Therefore, Amy's average speed for the entire trip is 2 meters/second faster than Bill's average speed.