For a ride on a rental scooter, Omar paid a 2 fee to start the scooter plus 12 cents per minute of the ride. The total bill for Omar's ride was 9.44. For how many minutes did Omar ride the scooter?

Let the total number of minutes Omar rode the scooter be represented by x.

The total cost for the ride is given by the equation:
Total cost = 2 + 0.12x

Given that the total bill for the ride was $9.44, we can set up the equation:
9.44 = 2 + 0.12x

Subtracting 2 from both sides gives:
9.44 - 2 = 0.12x
7.44 = 0.12x

Dividing both sides by 0.12 gives:
x = 7.44 / 0.12
x = 62

Therefore, Omar rode the scooter for 62 minutes.