5b + 7b - b4 - 14b2 - 18b - 4b4

We are learning to combine like terms. I am starting to get it and have done a few but this one frustrates me. I cannot figure it out! help?

11d + 13d + 8d2 - 16 + 18d2 + 11d - 9d2

This one is also confusing....

Combine all the b's first..you have 5b+7b-18b=-6b, you only have one b2 term, so that stays -14b2, now combine b4 terms: -b4-4b4=-5b4, so your answer is -6b-14b2-5b4. Try the next problem, and I'll check it for you.

15d3 + 35d - 16

15d2 + 35d - 16
17d2 + 35d - 16
17d2 + 35d - 18
It is multiple choice and these are my options.

I think its 17d2 +35 - 16

Am I right? Thanks for the help =) I appreciate it.

You are right. Good job.

Yay! Thank you!

To combine like terms, we will add or subtract terms that have the same variable and exponent. Let's go step by step to simplify the expression:

1. Start by identifying the terms that have the same variable and exponent. In this case, we have:

5b + 7b - b^4 - 14b^2 - 18b - 4b^4

2. Group these terms together:

(5b + 7b) + (-b^4 - 4b^4) + (-14b^2 - 18b)

3. Simplify each group of terms:

12b + (-5b^4) + (-14b^2 - 18b)

4. Combining the terms gives you the final simplified expression:

12b - 5b^4 - 14b^2 - 18b

So, the expression 5b + 7b - b^4 - 14b^2 - 18b - 4b^4 simplifies to 12b - 5b^4 - 14b^2 - 18b.