please check my answer thanks

The laws of learning are important because they

A. combine learning theory with other sciences
B.make learning more interesting to study
C. help scientists predict and control behavior
D give mathemathical certainty to behavior

I picked C

I would agree with that, particularly since you are talking about animals and behaviorism.

To check your answer, we need to understand the laws of learning and their significance. The laws of learning are principles or theories that explain how people acquire knowledge and skills. They help scientists and researchers understand, predict, and control human and animal behavior.

Option A states that the laws of learning combine learning theory with other sciences. This might be partially accurate, as learning theories often draw from other fields such as psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science. However, this option does not fully capture the significance of the laws of learning.

Option B suggests that the laws of learning make learning more interesting to study. While the laws of learning may indeed make studying learning more interesting for some individuals, this option does not reflect the fundamental purpose or impact of these laws.

Option C claims that the laws of learning help scientists predict and control behavior. This answer is correct. The laws of learning, such as reinforcement and punishment, provide a framework for scientists to understand how behavior can be influenced, predicted, and controlled through various methods. This is a key objective of studying the laws of learning.

Option D states that the laws of learning give mathematical certainty to behavior. While some mathematical models have been developed to describe and predict behavior, it is not the primary aim or characteristic of the laws of learning. Therefore, this option is not accurate.

Based on this analysis, your answer of C, "help scientists predict and control behavior," is correct. The laws of learning indeed serve this purpose by providing a foundation for understanding human and animal behavior and guiding research in the field of learning.