Multiply the polynomial (b+8)(3b−6) to simplify.(1 point)






thats wrong

To simplify the expression (b+8)(3b-6), we need to use the distributive property of multiplication over addition. This property states that when multiplying a sum by a number, we need to multiply each term inside the parentheses by that number.

Let's apply this property:

(b+8)(3b-6) = b(3b-6) + 8(3b-6)

Next, we will multiply each term inside the parentheses by the corresponding term outside the parentheses:

b(3b-6) + 8(3b-6) = 3b^2 - 6b + 24b - 48

Now, we can combine like terms:

3b^2 - 6b + 24b - 48 = 3b^2 + 18b - 48

So, the simplified form of the expression (b+8)(3b-6) is 3b^2 + 18b - 48. Therefore, the correct answer is: 3b^2 + 18b - 48.

To multiply the polynomial (b+8)(3b-6), we will use the distributive property.

First, multiply b by 3b and b by -6:
b * 3b = 3b^2
b * -6 = -6b

Next, multiply 8 by 3b and 8 by -6:
8 * 3b = 24b
8 * -6 = -48

Now, combine like terms:
3b^2 - 6b + 24b - 48

Simplify the equation by combining the like terms:
3b^2 + 18b - 48

Therefore, the simplified form of (b+8)(3b-6) is 3b^2 + 18b - 48.

To multiply the polynomial (b+8)(3b−6), we can use the distributive property.

First, multiply b with 3b and b with -6:
b * 3b = 3b^2
b * -6 = -6b

Then, multiply 8 with 3b and 8 with -6:
8 * 3b = 24b
8 * -6 = -48

Combine like terms:
3b^2 + (-6b) + (24b) + (-48)

Simplify the expression:
3b^2 + 18b - 48

Therefore, the simplified form of (b+8)(3b−6) is 3b^2 + 18b - 48.