identify one of the darker actions examined in a story or drama from this unit. this could be dark thoughts, someone hurting someone else, someone being evil, ect. then answer the following questions

One of the darker actions examined in the story "The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe is the act of betrayal and murder committed by the protagonist, Montresor, towards his supposed friend, Fortunato.

1. What motivates the character to engage in this dark action?
Montresor is motivated by a sense of pride and a desire for revenge. He feels that Fortunato has wronged him in some way, although the exact nature of this wrong is never explicitly stated in the story. Montresor's pride is wounded, and he seeks to restore his honor by committing this heinous act.

2. How does this action impact the other characters in the story?
Fortunato's murder has a profound impact on him, as he is ultimately killed by Montresor in a cold and calculated manner. It also impacts the readers, who are left to question the morality of Montresor's actions and the true nature of his relationship with Fortunato.

3. What does this action reveal about the character who commits it?
Montresor's actions reveal him to be a cunning and manipulative individual who harbors dark thoughts and desires for revenge. His willingness to betray and murder someone he claims to be a friend showcases his capacity for evil and his lack of empathy towards others.