How did Kublai Khan change China's government?

Kublai Khan, the founder of the Mongol Yuan dynasty in China, introduced several changes to the government system in China. Some of the ways in which he changed China's government include:

1. Centralized power: Kublai Khan centralized power in the hands of the Mongol ruling elite, weakening the traditional Chinese bureaucracy and dividing the country into administrative provinces ruled by Mongol governors.

2. Adoption of Mongol administrative practices: Kublai Khan implemented Mongol administrative practices, such as the use of the military organization system known as the "yam," to govern China. He also appointed Mongol officials to key positions in the government.

3. Promotion of cultural exchange: Kublai Khan promoted cultural exchange between China and other regions of the Mongol Empire, encouraging the exchange of ideas, technologies, and goods.

4. Expansion of infrastructure: Kublai Khan undertook extensive infrastructure projects, such as the construction of roads, bridges, and canals, to improve communication and transportation within China.

5. Promotion of trade and commerce: Kublai Khan encouraged trade and commerce in China, expanding the Silk Road trade routes and establishing a prosperous economy.

Overall, Kublai Khan's reforms aimed to strengthen and consolidate Mongol control over China, while also promoting economic growth and cultural exchange within the empire.