How did Kublai Khan change China's government?

(1 point)

He put women in powerful government positions.

He put women in powerful government positions.

He reduced the power of scholar-officials.

He reduced the power of scholar-officials.

He only allowed members of his own family to hold official positions.

He only allowed members of his own family to hold official positions.

He restructured the system to put the military in charge.

He restructured the system to put the military in charge.

Kublai Khan changed China's government by (1) reducing the power of scholar-officials and (2) restructuring the system to put the military in charge.

To find out how Kublai Khan changed China's government, we can look at the provided answer choices and analyze each option:

1. He put women in powerful government positions.
2. He reduced the power of scholar-officials.
3. He only allowed members of his own family to hold official positions.
4. He restructured the system to put the military in charge.

In order to determine the correct answer, we can apply our knowledge of Kublai Khan's rule and its impact on China's government.

Kublai Khan was the founder of the Yuan Dynasty in China and ruled from 1271 to 1294. He implemented several changes to the government structure during his reign. Let's evaluate each answer choice:

1. He put women in powerful government positions.
Although there were some instances of women holding influential roles during the Yuan Dynasty, it was not a fundamental change brought by Kublai Khan. This answer choice is not accurate.

2. He reduced the power of scholar-officials.
This statement is correct. Kublai Khan diminished the importance of Confucian scholar-officials and instead relied on administrators from different backgrounds, including Mongols, foreigners, and non-Confucian Chinese advisors. Their influence and authority were reduced in favor of a more centralized and bureaucratic system.

3. He only allowed members of his own family to hold official positions.
While Kublai Khan did give powerful positions to his family members, this answer choice is not entirely accurate. He also appointed non-family members to important roles within his administration, which suggests that he did not exclusively limit official positions to his own relatives.

4. He restructured the system to put the military in charge.
Although the military played an important role in the governance of the Yuan Dynasty, it was not a complete restructuring where the military assumed complete control. While Kublai Khan relied on the military to assert his power and establish control, he also had various administrative systems and civilian officials in place.

Based on the evaluation of the answer choices, the correct option is:

- He reduced the power of scholar-officials.

Kublai Khan's rule brought significant changes to China's government, including a reduction in the influence of Confucian scholar-officials.