Visualize a historical scene representing the era of the Mongol Empire. Show four different aspects: a powerful leader like Genghis Khan uniting tribes under his rule; rival leaders in conflict, suggestive of political assassinations; the empire breaking into smaller khanates highlighting the fragmentation; and an abstract representation of a devastating plague spreading across the empire. Ensure the scene intricately blends these elements without depicting any particular person or character.

Which statement best analyzes the effect of leadership on the collapse of the Mongol Empire?

Disputes over leadership were resolved by giving Genghis Khan control over the entire Mongol Empire.

Leaders such as Kublai Khan were assassinated by rival Mongol leaders, leaving the khanates open to invasion.

Disputes over leadership led to the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire into smaller khanates.

Leaders such as Timur failed to respond to the bubonic plague, leading to widespread death within the khanates.

The statement that best analyzes the effect of leadership on the collapse of the Mongol Empire is: Disputes over leadership led to the fragmentation of the Mongol Empire into smaller khanates. This statement suggests that conflicts and disagreements among Mongol leaders resulted in the disintegration of the empire into smaller, separate regions or khanates.