1. Select at least three competencies not including communication and leadership and list in the appropriate space. One competency is required to be Equity and Inclusion.

2. Use the gap analysis process steps 1 – 3 as outlined on the Gap Analysis
3. Write the gaps identified in step 3. Insert additional rows as needed.
4. For each gap, identify the actions required to close the gap, resources/ support, and timing. It should take more than one action to develop your career competencies.
5. Not required, but recommended: copy the table and repeat for your top career fields of interest.

1. Competencies:

- Problem Solving
- Adaptability
- Equity and Inclusion

2. Gap Analysis Process Steps 1-3:
Step 1: Identify where you are now
Step 2: Identify where you want to be
Step 3: Identify the gaps between the two

3. Gaps Identified:
- Lack of experience in implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives in the workplace
- Need to improve problem-solving skills in high-pressure situations
- Limited adaptability to changing work environments

4. Actions Required to Close the Gaps:

| Gap | Actions Required | Resources/ Support | Timing |
| --- | ----------------- | ------------------ | ------ |
| Lack of experience in implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives in the workplace | Attend diversity and inclusion training workshops, volunteer for diversity committees within the organization | HR department, external diversity and inclusion consultants | 6 months |
| Need to improve problem-solving skills in high-pressure situations | Take problem-solving courses, seek mentorship from colleagues who excel in this area | Online courses, senior colleagues | Ongoing |
| Limited adaptability to changing work environments | Practice resilience and flexibility, take on new projects outside of comfort zone | Manager support, self-help books | 1 year |

5. Repeat for top career fields of interest.