1.13 The definition of communication implies that (1)

a) Communication is mostly verbal
b) Communication is mostly written
c) Most communication is in a vertical direction
d) Understanding must occur to have communication

d) Understanding must occur to have communication

d) Understanding must occur to have communication

To answer this question, let's break down the options:

a) Communication is mostly verbal: This option suggests that communication is primarily based on spoken words. To determine if this is the correct definition of communication, we can refer to common understanding and various sources such as dictionaries or communication studies textbooks.

b) Communication is mostly written: This option implies that communication mainly involves written forms such as emails, letters, or text messages. Again, we can consult reputable sources to check if this matches the definition of communication.

c) Most communication is in a vertical direction: This option suggests that communication primarily occurs in a top-down or hierarchical manner. We need to determine if this is an accurate description of communication as a whole.

d) Understanding must occur to have communication: This option implies that for communication to take place, there must be comprehension and mutual understanding between the sender and receiver of the message.

To determine the correct definition of communication, we should consider the broader understanding of the concept. Communication encompasses various forms such as verbal, non-verbal, and written. It occurs in both horizontal and vertical directions, and understanding is indeed a crucial aspect.

Based on these considerations, option (d) - understanding must occur to have communication - aligns most closely with the definition of communication. It recognizes that communication necessitates mutual comprehension between the parties involved.