Active listening requires which type of communication?

(1 point)

verbal communication

verbal communication

nonverbal communication

nonverbal communication

intrapersonal communication

intrapersonal communication

verbal and nonverbal communication

Verbal and nonverbal communication

Active listening requires both verbal and nonverbal communication.

Active listening requires both verbal and nonverbal communication. To better understand the concept of active listening, let me break it down for you.

Active listening is a communication technique where the listener fully focuses on and engages with the speaker. It involves not only hearing the words being spoken but also comprehending their meaning and expressing that understanding to the speaker.

Verbal communication is an essential aspect of active listening. It involves using words to ask clarifying questions, offering feedback, summarizing what has been said, or providing thoughtful responses. Verbal communication helps the listener show their engagement and understanding of the speaker's message.

Nonverbal communication is equally important in active listening. It encompasses body language, facial expressions, eye contact, and gestures. These nonverbal cues can convey a listener's interest, attentiveness, and empathy towards the speaker. By maintaining eye contact, nodding, or using appropriate facial expressions, the listener effectively shows their involvement and understanding.

Therefore, to actively listen, one should utilize both verbal and nonverbal communication to demonstrate comprehension, engage with the speaker, and create a meaningful interaction.