Governor Schwarzenegger Aims to Terminate Trans Fats

by M. Shriver

In July 2008, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill written by Tony Mendoza (D-Norwalk) to ban the use of trans fats in all restaurants in California beginning in 2010 and from all baked goods by 2011.
"California is a leader in the promotion of health and nutrition, and I am pleased to continue that tradition by being the first state in the nation to phase out trans fats," Governor Schwarzenegger expressed. "Consuming trans fat is linked to coronary heart disease, and today we are taking a strong step toward creating a healthier future for California."
Scientists have revealed a strong connection between artificial trans fats and heart disease and strokes. Other illnesses like diabetes have also been linked to artificial trans fats. The New England Journal of Medicine advocates that the elimination of artificial trans fats from food could prevent between six and 19 percent of heart attacks and related deaths each year. California's leading cause of death is coronary heart disease. Many feel this bill is a powerful step toward providing healthier food and longer life spans for Californians.
Thanks to Schwarzenegger's guidance, California has established fresh and successful approaches to support health and nutrition. Other achievements by Schwarzenegger as governor include:
Instituted the strictest school nutrition reforms in the U.S. by removing junk food and sodas from school campuses
Prohibited trans fat foods and the use of unhealthy oils to fry foods served in school lunches
Supplied millions of dollars to put fresh fruits and vegetables in school meals
Approved the first-ever physical education standards
Organized a summit on health and nutrition where leaders of various organizations committed to transform business procedures to assist in building a healthier California and fighting obesity
Renewed the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, which promotes and rewards efforts in keeping youth in shape
Recommended a broad health care policy that stresses health and wellness

Which choice most accurately paraphrases what Governor Schwarzenegger did to help Californians?
The governor of California signed a bill that will eliminate the use of trans fats in California bakeries by 2011 and will require school cafeterias to use healthy oils to fry foods (Schwarzenegger).
The governor of California took proactive measures to prevent the food industry from using trans fats in order to promote good health and nutrition for the state's residents (Shriver 108).
The governor of California identified trans fat as a significant cause of heart disease, stroke, and other related illnesses and has renewed his commitment to getting youth in shape (108).
The governor of California held a meeting for leaders in the health and nutrition industry to look at ways to promote good health and fight obesity issues throughout the state (Shriver).

B. The governor of California took proactive measures to prevent the food industry from using trans fats in order to promote good health and nutrition for the state's residents.