unit 4 lesson 4 (9th NM HISTORY)

1. Which is a legislative check on the governor's power in New Mexico?
() legislators vote for the governor.
() The lieutenant governor is the head of the state senate.
(*) The legislature must approve all governor's appointees.
() legislatures can override the governor's veto.

2. which of the following is the power of the New Mexico governor?
() pass new laws
() run for unlimited terms
(*) appoint certain judges
() override legislature's veto

3. in which areas of New Mexico life was bill Richardson's administration the most influential?
() Education and energy
() transportation and manufacturing
() constitutional reform and politics'
(*) tourism and banking

you are right

Your welcome

I'm not going to leave my peeps hanging so here the answers because I just got one right out of three XD so its D, C, D

Thanks miss sue


Yes, that is correct! Great job!

1. Your answer for question 1 is correct. The legislative check on the governor's power in New Mexico is that the legislature must approve all governor's appointees.

2. Your answer for question 2 is correct. One of the powers of the New Mexico governor is to appoint certain judges.

3. Your answer for question 3 is incorrect. Bill Richardson's administration was most influential in the areas of education and energy, not tourism and banking.