Add 2 sentences to the following about THE SXHOOL SYSTEM SHOULD GAIN FEEDBACK FROM STUDENTS , teachers, bus drivers and parents on how they feel about this in a survey.

I honestly believe that the issue of school start times requires careful consideration in order to meet the diverse needs of students across different grade levels.

1. High schools should start the earliest
2. Middle schools starting second
3. Elementary schools starting the latest

This adjustment is aimed at addressing concerns such as the need for younger children to get more sleep for proper development and enhanced focus during school hours.

In addition to the aforementioned concerns, it is also important to consider the impact of early start times on teenagers mental health and academic performance. Research has shown that teenagers biological clocks are naturally shifted to later in the day, making it difficult for them to function optimally in the early morning hours. Therefore, adjusting school start times to accommodate their sleep patterns may lead to improved mental well-being and academic success.

Moreover, logistical challenges such as transportation and staffing must be taken into account before implementing any changes to school start times. Ensuring that there are enough bus drivers and support staff available to meet the new scheduling requirements is essential for creating a smooth and efficient learning environment for all students.

Overall, the decision to adjust school start times should be approached with a comprehensive understanding of the various concerns involved, as well as a commitment to promoting the overall well-being and academic success of students at all grade levels.

Feedback from students, teachers, bus drivers, and parents on the proposed changes to school start times can provide valuable insights into the potential impact of such adjustments on the entire school community. Conducting a survey to gather input from all stakeholders can help ensure that any decisions made are well-informed and take into consideration the diverse needs and perspectives of those directly affected by the changes.