general system of hormone regulation are:-

Feedback mechanisms

Negative feedback – predominant mechanism

Positive feedback

Neural control

Cyclic variations

Response to external stimuli

Negative feedback is the predominant mechanism of hormone regulation. It involves the inhibition or reduction of hormone production in response to high levels of that hormone in the blood. For example, the release of insulin from the pancreas is regulated by negative feedback. When blood sugar levels rise, insulin is released to lower blood sugar levels. Once blood sugar levels return to normal, insulin production is inhibited.

Positive feedback, on the other hand, involves the stimulation or amplification of hormone production in response to certain stimuli. This feedback mechanism is less common and usually occurs in specific situations. An example of positive feedback is the release of oxytocin during childbirth. Oxytocin stimulates contractions, leading to more oxytocin release and stronger contractions.

Neural control also plays a role in hormone regulation. The autonomic nervous system and the hypothalamus in the brain are important in coordinating the release and inhibition of hormones. The hypothalamus can also receive input from other parts of the brain or from external stimuli, adjusting hormone production accordingly.

Cyclic variations in hormone levels occur in response to natural physiological rhythms. For example, cortisol levels are highest in the morning and decrease throughout the day. This cyclic variation is regulated by the circadian rhythm and is important for maintaining normal physiological functions.

Finally, hormones can also be regulated in response to external stimuli. This includes factors such as stress, temperature changes, or changes in light exposure. These external stimuli can trigger the release or inhibition of certain hormones to adapt to the environmental changes.

The general system of hormone regulation includes the following mechanisms:

1. Feedback mechanisms: Hormone regulation often involves feedback loops that help maintain homeostasis. The two types of feedback mechanisms are negative feedback and positive feedback.

- Negative feedback: This is the predominant mechanism in hormone regulation. It occurs when a hormone's actions inhibit the release or production of itself or another hormone. For example, when blood glucose levels rise, insulin is released to lower glucose levels. Once glucose levels return to normal, insulin secretion decreases.

- Positive feedback: This mechanism occurs when a hormone's actions stimulate the release or production of itself or another hormone. This leads to an amplification of the hormone's effects. An example of positive feedback is the release of oxytocin during childbirth, which stimulates contractions, leading to more oxytocin release.

2. Neural control: The nervous system plays a role in regulating hormone release. The hypothalamus, located in the brain, receives information from the body and initiates hormone release through the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland then releases hormones that control various endocrine glands throughout the body.

3. Cyclic variations: Some hormone levels fluctuate in a cyclic pattern. For example, female reproductive hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle. These cyclic variations help regulate reproductive processes.

4. Response to external stimuli: Hormone release can be influenced by external factors such as stress, temperature, light, and exercise. For example, during times of stress, the adrenal glands release cortisol, which helps the body respond to the stressor.

These mechanisms work together to regulate hormone levels, maintain homeostasis, and coordinate various physiological processes in the body.

The general system of hormone regulation involves several mechanisms:

1. Feedback mechanisms: Feedback mechanisms play a crucial role in regulating hormone levels in the body. These mechanisms can be classified into two types: negative feedback and positive feedback.

- Negative feedback: Negative feedback is the most common mechanism in hormone regulation. It involves a feedback loop where the production or release of a hormone is inhibited or reduced when its levels in the blood reach a certain threshold. For example, when blood glucose levels rise, the pancreas releases insulin to lower glucose levels. Once the glucose levels normalize, insulin production decreases.

- Positive feedback: Positive feedback is less common but still significant in certain physiological processes. In this mechanism, the production or release of a hormone is increased when the levels of that hormone reach a certain threshold. For example, during childbirth, oxytocin levels in the body increase, which leads to stronger contractions, causing more oxytocin release. This positive feedback loop continues until birth is complete.

2. Neural control: Some hormones are regulated by the nervous system. The hypothalamus in the brain plays a critical role in this regulation. It releases hormones that stimulate or inhibit the release of other hormones from the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, acts as a master gland that controls the release of many hormones in the body.

3. Cyclic variations: Some hormones exhibit cyclic variations in their levels throughout the day or during specific periods. For example, cortisol levels are highest in the morning and lowest at night, following a circadian rhythm. Female reproductive hormones, like estrogen and progesterone, fluctuate during the menstrual cycle.

4. Response to external stimuli: Hormone regulation is also influenced by external factors and stimuli. For example, the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol is triggered by a perceived threat or stressor.

Understanding the general system of hormone regulation involves studying the endocrine system and the interplay between hormones, glands, and feedback loops. It requires knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and the specific hormones involved in various processes.