Stefani needs to earn at least $250 for her trip to the upcoming softball tournament. She babysits on Saturday night and earns $48. Write and solve an inequality to show how much more Stefani needs to earn. Show your work. write it like a 4th grader and make it short

To go to the softball tournament, Stefani needs at least $250. She already made $48 from babysitting.

Let's say she still needs to earn x dollars.
We can write this as an inequality:
$48 + x ≥ $250
Now let's solve for x...
$48 + x ≥ $250
x ≥ $250 - $48
x ≥ $202
Stefani needs to earn at least $202 more.

make it short

Stefani needs to earn at least $202 more for her trip.

show how you got that answer and make it short

Stefani earned $48 and needs at least $250 for her trip. Subtract what she earned from what she needs: $250 - $48 = $202. Stefani needs to earn at least $202 more.