Stefani needs to earn at least $250 for her trip to the upcoming softball tournament. She babysits on Saturday night and earns $48. Write and solve an inequality to show how much more Stefani needs to earn. Show your work.

Let's represent the amount of money Stefani still needs to earn as "x".

The total amount Stefani needs to earn is at least $250.
The amount Stefani has earned already is $48.

So the inequality can be written as:
x ≥ 250 - 48

Simplifying this expression, we get:
x ≥ 202

Therefore, Stefani needs to earn at least $202 more for her trip.

Let's assume the amount Stefani needs to earn is represented by the variable "x."

We know that Stefani has already earned $48 from babysitting on Saturday night. Therefore, we can set up an inequality to represent how much more she needs to earn:

48 + x ≥ 250

To solve for x, we need to subtract 48 from both sides of the inequality:

48 + x - 48 ≥ 250 - 48


x ≥ 202

So, Stefani needs to earn at least $202 more for her trip to the upcoming softball tournament.

To solve this problem, we need to write an inequality to represent the situation.

Let's denote the amount of money Stefani needs to earn as "x". We are given that Stefani earns $48 from babysitting on Saturday night. Since she needs to earn at least $250 for her trip, the inequality becomes:

48 + x ≥ 250

To solve for "x", we need to isolate it on one side of the inequality. First, we subtract 48 from both sides of the inequality:

48 + x - 48 ≥ 250 - 48

This simplifies to:

x ≥ 202

Therefore, Stefani needs to earn at least $202 more to reach her goal of $250 for the softball tournament.