Stefani needs to earn at least $250 for her trip to the upcoming softball tournament. she babysits saturday night and earns $48. write and solve an inequality to show how much more stefani needs to earn. show your work

Let x be the amount Stefani needs to earn more.

The total amount she will have earned after babysitting is:


The total amount she needs to earn is:


The inequality that represents the situation is:

48 + x ≥ 250

To solve for x, we can subtract 48 from both sides:

x ≥ 250 - 48

x ≥ 202

Therefore, Stefani needs to earn at least $202 more to reach her goal of $250.

Let's represent the amount that Stefani needs to earn as "x".

The amount she earned from babysitting on Saturday night is $48.

To find out how much more Stefani needs to earn, we can set up an inequality by subtracting her earnings from the total amount she needs:

x - $48 ≥ $250

Now let's solve the inequality for "x":

x ≥ $250 + $48

x ≥ $298

Therefore, Stefani needs to earn at least $298 to reach her goal of $250.