12th Grade Research Paper Portfolio Rubric

How does the idea of the monster / supernatural evolve throughout the time periods and works we’ve studied this year?

The paper is about one of the provided topics. There is a clear and arguable thesis. The topic and 3 main points are made clear in the introduction.
The research is organized into 3 main points, with at least 2 different sources for each
All facts, statistics, and quotes are followed by an in-text citation in proper MLA format.
There is an MLA formatted works cited page with a CheckMyWork link at the bottom.
All writing is in 3 rd person, with no references to the essay.
A Minimum of Five Paragraphs (Intro, 3 Body Paragraphs, Conclusion) with at least five sentences in each paragraph.
The essay follows the rules for MLA format.

William blake
The tyger
The lamb
The chimney sweeper
Sonnet the world is to much with us
I wandered lonley as a cloud
Coolridge samuel taylor
The rime of ancient mariner
Kubla khan the rime of the ancient mariner
Lord bryon
For music
Stanza and meter
Percy dhelly
Odento the west wind
To a sky lark
John keats
On first looking into chapmans homer
When I have fears that I may cease to be
Ode in a grecian urn
Jane austen
Pride and prejudice
Mary shelly

Organization: 3/5

- The paper is organized into 3 main points, but the connection between the time periods and works studied is not always clear. Some transitions between points could be smoother.

Clarity: 4/5
- The thesis is clear and arguable, and the introduction provides a clear overview of the topic and main points. However, there are moments where the argument could be more clearly developed and explained.

Research: 3/5
- The paper includes at least 2 different sources for each of the 3 main points, but some sources are not effectively incorporated into the argument. More analysis and discussion of the research would strengthen the paper.

MLA Format: 4/5
- In-text citations are mostly in proper MLA format, but some inaccuracies are present. The works cited page is included and follows MLA format.

Writing Mechanics: 4/5
- The essay is mostly in 3rd person with no references to the essay, but there are occasional shifts in point of view. The writing is clear and coherent overall, with few errors in grammar and mechanics.

Overall, the paper shows potential but could benefit from more thorough analysis and clearer connections between the time periods and works studied. Strengthening the research and developing a more cohesive argument would improve the overall effectiveness of the paper.