Portfolio research English paper

Research portfolio
How does the idea of the monster / supernatural evolve throughout the time periods and works we’ve studied this year?
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Blake Williams
The chimney sweeper
Lord Byron: Meter and Stanzas
I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
The paper is about one of the provided topics. There is a clear and arguable thesis. The topic and 3 main points are made clear in the introduction.
The research is organized into 3 main points, with at least 2 different sources for each main point.
All facts, statistics, and quotes are followed by an in-text citation in proper MLA format.
Works Cited Page
All writing is in 3rd person, with no references to the essay.
A Minimum of Five Paragraphs (Intro, 3 Body Paragraphs, Conclusion) with at least five sentences in each paragraph.
The essay follows the rules for MLA format.


Throughout the time periods and works studied this year, the idea of the monster/supernatural has evolved significantly. From Coolidge's creation to Wordsworth's exploration of nature, each work offers a unique perspective on the concept. This paper will examine how the idea of the monster/supernatural has evolved in the works of Coolidge, Blake, Shelley, Lord Byron, and Wordsworth.

Body Paragraph 1: Coolidge's Creation
Coolidge's creation delves into the supernatural through its portrayal of mythical figures and creatures. The use of monsters in Coolidge's work serves as a metaphor for the unknown and unexplainable forces in the world. The supernatural elements in Coolidge's work create an eerie and unsettling atmosphere that adds depth to the narrative.

Body Paragraph 2: Shelley's Frankenstein
Shelley's Frankenstein explores the monster in a more nuanced and complex way. The creature in Frankenstein is not simply a physical monster, but also a reflection of society's prejudices and fears. Shelley's exploration of the monster as a product of social rejection and isolation adds a deeper layer to the supernatural elements in the novel.

Body Paragraph 3: Wordsworth's Exploration of Nature
In contrast to the traditional idea of the monster, Wordsworth's exploration of nature offers a different perspective on the supernatural. Through his poetry, Wordsworth celebrates the beauty and power of nature, portraying it as a force of rejuvenation and inspiration. Wordsworth's depiction of nature as a supernatural force highlights the interconnectedness between humanity and the natural world.

In conclusion, the idea of the monster/supernatural has evolved throughout the time periods and works studied this year. From Coolidge's creation to Wordsworth's exploration of nature, each work offers a unique perspective on the concept. By examining how different authors have portrayed the monster/supernatural in their works, we can gain a deeper understanding of the evolving nature of this concept in literature.